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Colon Cancer Surgery

During surgery, the cancer is removed following sound oncological principles. We remove a small length of healthy colon on either side of the cancer to ensure that no microscopic cancer cells are left behind. In addition, the nearby lymph nodes corresponding to the colon cancer are also removed as cancer can spread to these nodes.

During the surgery, we perform a thorough evaluation to make sure the cancer has not spread.


Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery for Colon Cancer

Advancing technology and research have transformed surgery for the treatment of colon cancer in recent years. In the past, patients underwent open surgery for colon cancer. However, we know to offer advanced robotic surgery for a better solution to cure our patients of colon cancer.

During a minimally invasive robotic procedure for colon cancer, we make two or three tiny incisions in the patient’s abdomen for the robotic ports. A small high definition video camera is placed in one of the ports and provides a high definition magnified view of the colon and internal organs on a monitor. Specialized robotic instruments are then placed in the other ports, allowing us to work inside the body without a large wound and remove the colon cancer in a safe way and without a colostomy.

middle aged couple on walk in fall

Benefits of Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery for Colon Cancer

Minimally invasive robotic surgery for colon cancer has been shown to be better than open surgery because it results in:

  • Safe removal of cancer without a colostomy
  • Quicker recovery time
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Less pain
  • Less scarring
  • Lower rates of surgical site infections
  • Back to your life sooner and safer

Patients considering a minimally invasive robotic surgery should consult with one of our experienced Houston Colon surgeons to discuss minimally invasive options.

Questions Or Concerns? Call Us Anytime.