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Gerardo Murra

I started to notice some bleeding with my bowel movements. I ignored it for a while but the bleeding wouldn’t stop and started to worsen so I went to get a colonoscopy where I live in Mexico. The results came back and it showed colon cancer and due to a difficult location of the cancer I was referred to get the surgery done with Dr. Eric Haas at Methodist hospital in Houston. I was incredibly impressed with the staff, we got an appointment on the same day we called . On my first visit after showing my medical history, I explained I had history of pulmonary nodules and that my doctors in Mexico were following. This is not Dr. Haas specialty and not why I went to see him, but he immediately investigated further and ordered a CT scan. We found out I had early stage pulmonary cancer and I wouldn’t have found out without Dr. Haas! One week after my visit I had my colon surgery. Dr. Haas removed the cancer and due to the size and location he was able to prevent a permanent colostomy bag and only gave me a temporary ileostomy to allow the surgical area to heal. I later found out that most patients with my type of cancer would have needed a colostomy for life. Even though I thought it would be bothersome, I had no pain or discomfort with my ileostomy bag and was able to do my daily activities. Only one month later I had my second surgery with Dr. Haas to remove the ileostomy bag and I’ve been feeling excellent ever since! While in Houston Dr. Haas also arranged for the best pulmonary cancer doctors who have treated and cured that cancer too. I have now returned to Mexico and life is so great. DR. HAAS SAVED MY LIFE IN MANY WAYS. I’ll always be grateful to him and his team. His professionalism, his bedside manners and his caring and his knowledge are superb. Thank you for everything.