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What is The NICE Procedure?

The NICE procedure[1] is a state of the art robotic minimally invasive colon surgery in which the disease is removed without any abdominal wall incision other than the tiny robotic port sites themselves. That means faster and safer recovery and without a colostomy bag.

Nice Patient Benefits

  • Faster healing time
  • Enhanced recovery
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • No major surgical scar
  • Eliminates risk of surgical site infections
  • Reduced surgical pain
  • Healing without narcotics
  • Less blood loss
  • Healing without narcotics
  • Eliminates risk of hernia

The NICE procedure was first performed by our group in May of 2018 using the da Vinci XI robotic and we have since performed nearly 300 cases.  We have developed a stepwise approach which enhances efficiency and reproducibility.   See our NICE procedure patient testimonials and media coverage on our YouTube channel.


Presenter: Dr. Haas

  • Dr. Eric Haas serves as Chief of Colorectal Surgery at Houston Methodist Hospital
  • Chief Quality Director of Colorectal Surgery at HCA Healthcare Gulf Coast Division
  • Program Director—Minimally Invasive Colon & Rectal Surgery at the University of Texas at Houston
  • Clinical Professor—University of Houston College of Medicine

Minimally Invasive Colon & Rectal Surgery
American Board of Surgery American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery
20 years of Experience
Colon & Rectal Surgery at the University of Texas at Houston


Live Case Every Wednesday

A live interactive session with Dr. Haas demonstrating robotic port sites, docking, transrectal extraction and intracorporeal anastomosis using stepwise techniques. Register to reserve your session. This session is limited to 4 surgeon slots. Fee waived to ASCRS, SAGES and EAES members.

Questions Or Concerns? Call Us Anytime.